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Writer - Researcher - Speaker
Reports, Articles & Seminars

Pat's writing has appeared in a variety of secular and faith-based publications and websites, including Charity Finance, Civil Society Media, Christians in Politics, Mission Aviation Fellowship, Christians on the Left, the LibDeb Christian Forum and the Evangelical Alliance.


She has spoken at academic conferences, seminars at faith-based festivals and charity events as well as at local churches and charities.


Here are some selected articles and talks.  

How relationships between faith groups and Government bodies have strengthened and evolved in recent years .

'...relationships between faith groups and government authorities have continued to strengthen since the pandemic...'

Published in Charity Finance magazine, September 2023

'...Alastair Campbell and Jesus would have a lot to talk about...'  

Published on Christians in Politics Website - Summer 2023

How partnering with faith-based organisations can increase the impact of limited resources 

Published in Charity Finance magazine, September 2022

'...what if faith actors are welcomed to the policy table equal partners... making plans more relevant and cost-effective?'  

Where I explore how the work of faith communities and charities during the pandemic helped catalyse changing attitudes towards faith organisations.

Published in Charity Finance magazine, February 2022

A review of Gordon Brown's book 'Seven Ways to Change the World'

Published by Christians on the Left, September 2021

I examine the evidence that a renewed interest in faith within the public domain indicates that secularism's grip has started to loosen and what this may mean for charities, public bodies and international institutions.

Published in Charity Finance magazine, September 2020

Why being 'in the room where it happens' matters

Using a mix of case studies and recent research, I outline the multi-layered reasons for faith groups to be in the room when strategising responses to global emergencies.

'...local authorities have a new appreciation of the agility, flexibility and professionalism of faith groups'  

'Faith gives shape, definition and forward motion to good intentions'  

'The oft-repeated narrative that society is becoming increasingly secular is itself a bit old hat' 

'... in the aftermath of disaster often the only thing people have left is their faith which brings comfort, resilience and hope for rebuilding their lives.
A response strategy that doesn't recognise this, risks stripping people of their last shred of dignity.'

On-line Seminar at Civil Society Media's Faith Forum, September 2020

Where I explain how and why the impact of faith organisations has become 'misunderestimated' ... and why it matters.

Published in Charity Finance magazine, September 2019

'... faith-based organisations were often seen only as religiously branded tribute bands to Oxfam' 

This is my doctoral thesis, completed in 2017.  This is a comparative case study of two large INGOs, one faith-based, the other secular.


Click here for an abstract, click here for the full report. 

 '... the presence of religion and religious influence in social movements, INGOs, international politics and international development has been significantly underestimated' 

A conference report from 2014 that drew academics, policy-makers, diplomats, international practitioners and religious actors into dialogue about the best interface between religion, policy and development.

'We need to move beyond a conversation about ‘what people believe’ to better understand how these beliefs [affect] how people live their lives'

Co-authored with Dr Ger Fitzgerald

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